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 Freedom Ranch Ministries

Freedom Ranch is a Christian youth program focusing on troubled and underserved teens. We use horses and the cowboy way of life to teach Bible lessons that seem to be lacking in today's world. One of our goals is to highlight the freedom Christ brings us and the responsibility that comes with this freedom. 


Galations 5:1 sums this up the best. 


"For freedom did Christ set us free: stand fast therefore, and be not entangled again in a yoke of bondage"


The Cowboy embodies this Beautifully. The relationship between a Cowboy and his horse can bring great freedom, but to enjoy this to the fullest the Cowboy has a lot of responsibility. This is the life Christ so freely gives us also. 



Freedom Ranch Ministries is committed to making a difference in the lives of youth throughout the East Tennessee area. We provide children an opportunity to reach their fullest potential through our wide range of services and activities. We offer them the support they need to ensure they grow, learn, and thrive within their community. 

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